
GOG, MAGOG vs. google, yahoo

GOG, MAGOG vs. google, yahoo

The scientists present, and most of the researchers in Europe, is considered prophecys turn under our eyes and nobody sees: Gog of Ezekiel's prophecy Chapters 38-39 and then Revelation is in fact the new search engine known as Google, which will move its headquarters in Europe, and together with Magog (see the enemy's death google, microsoft and yahoo) will conquer the world to achieve the kingdom for 1000 years. It seems to me most strange idea, but that is certainly a core of truth.

The Leader(s) of Human Opposition to Christ.

Magog is first mentioned in Genesis 10:1-4, where he is listed as a son of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. The descendants of Japheth occupied territory to the north of Israel, now called Europe and Asia.

Gog and Magog are mentioned in the prophetic writings (in Ezekiel chs.38-39; and Revelation ch.20). In each case the reference is to the same confederacy of nations from the north, led by Gog (sometimes spelt 'Gogue') which attacks and threatens:

(i) The regathered nation of Israel, living at peace in their land, at the time of the return of Christ, and

(ii) The 'camp of the saints' at Jerusalem, at the conclusion of the millennial reign of Christ.

In each case the armies of Gog are to be destroyed by God's direct intervention